Thursday, April 9, 2009

There are different kinds of projects that the LibraryThing members are doing with the LibraryThing. LibraryThing is not only sharing is a social cataloging web application for storing and sharing personal library catalogs and book lists but also creating projects and other stuff based on human interests.

Some Projects:
I See Dead People Books- This group is for those interested and involved in entering the personal libraries of famous readers into LibraryThing as Legacy Libraries. This is a place to see what books influence these famous people such as Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Jefferson and so on.

Flash-Mob Cataloging- A bunch of LibraryThing members shows up to small libraries with their laptops and barcode scanners and see how fast they can enter an entire library into LibraryThing. At this moment, they have two flash mob cataloging parties so far, Rhode Island Audubon Society and St. John's Church in Beverly, Massachusetts.

Redesign LibraryThing- Members contribute their own stylesheets design for the LibraryThing website and test them

LibraryThing API Development (Application Program Interface)- This is a tool for building software application. Members are able to follow and help develop the various LibraryThing API's. However, non programmers are welcome to suggest new widgets they would want to see.

These are only a few projects that the members are doing but if you want to go see more projects and join, you can go to the link, to check it out.

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